SC21 Biotech

The core foundation of the SC21 cosmetic products are the MSC protein complex. The rejuvenating factors absorb readily into our skin to provide a natural stimulating affect for rejuvenation to take place.

The MSC complex is produced from the SC21 laboratories and is then sent to our GMP partner facility for formulating the end products and packaging.

Our Values

With over 10 years clinical use of our products we have seen the remarkable results which can be achieved when harnessing the power of MSC proteins. We pride ourselves on the highest quality production and careful formulating to deliver high impact products to you.

SC21 products are always 100% cruelty, cell, paraben, and pathogen free. Our research team is constantly developing and testing new active ingredients for effectiveness, ensuring that anything we use is proven and safe for our customers..


33/1 Soi Ruamrudee, Phloenchit, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.

Tel: +66 2650 7709